Saturday, August 4, 2012

Join the Revolution.

Some of you may remember a show on ABC - Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, which aired for 2 seasons and featured school districts in LA and Virginia. Chef Oliver's mission was (and continues to be off-screen) to rid schools of junk food and feed kids nutritious and balanced meals instead. Met with opposition from boards, school officials and even parents, Jamie was usually able to overcome these obstacles to help change the face of the school lunch as we know it.

Not being a parent myself, you may ask why I mention this - and where exactly am I going with it? Well, you're in luck because I'll tell you :)

A fan of the Food Revolution page on Facebook, I am a huge proponent of this cause for 2 reasons:
  1. I know people (myself included) who have developed unhealthy habits (which I think stems from things learned from school lunch as a child)
  2. Establishing healthy eating habits, like education, should start at an early age. Think about it - I bet you that 98% of what you know was learned between ages 5 and 18!
Also, one of the stats listed on their site is pretty scary - Kids in the US consume an extra 8lbs. a year in sugar from drinking flavored milk. Um...ew. Clearly this is something that needs to change and we're lucky that Jamie Oliver is working so hard to do just that.

So if you're passionate about healthy living, want to make a change in your community, enjoy food, like kids etc. (really anything applies) I encourage you to visit the Food Revolution website. There's so much information to digest (pun ntended) but it's worth the education - and there are even yummy recipes like the one below. I'll totally be making this salad this week!

Picture taken from Food Revolution website.

Happy and VERY Healthy Eating! 

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